Wednesday, April 3, 2024

My Hobby

 Good morning everyone

April 03,2024

Today I'm going to tell something about my hobby.

Firstly, I have a lot of hobbies like edit video, play basketball, lion dance, and more...but the main hobby I have is fitness. This was started in 2020, when we can't go out side because the pandemic. 

I'll do it like 4-5 times per week normally, one hour or maybe thirty minutes more at time, but I don't need go to the gym because I have the basic equipment. two dumbbell with different weight: 1kg to 10 kg, a barbell with 10 kg, and different weight plates: 10kg and 20kg. And one thing sock me is my neighbour sent me a multi-function machine in the last year! A huge surprise for me.

I have this hobby like 4 years, usally I will work out alone because the only thing I need to do it's focus on myself,  I'll forget all the things that happen before at this moment, no matter it was good or bad,
I think this is my way to relax myself, because I'm a person who think a lot of and only the fitness can let me be focus. If this become my habit, I don't need to tell myself to work out everytime, because that will be easy just like the people drink water everyday.

"when i'm hurt ? i love this feeling because it's real. "--Tony Ferguson
This quote also applies to fitness and myself , all the things have different meaning,  'pain' it's not necessary a bad things, maybe it make you grow...


My semester so far

 October 16, 2024 My favorite class in this semester must be the undisputed “English 4”(including the “English 3” in last semester), because...